The Dunes of Indiana : Part Two

There is something truly wonderful about sand dunes. Once you’re near them it’s hard to leave. They draw you in with their softness and lull you into slowing down. They are in a constant state of flux that seems to happen in slow motion. I’ve always found dunes enticing and the Indiana Dunes were pulling at me to explore.

The Dunes of Indiana : Part One

It's true. I'm a bit obsessed about finding new trails to hike. I try to include a hike when I travel. No matter the reason why I'm traveling. Last weekend was no exception. It was time to take my son for his first year of college in Indiana so, of course, the maps came out to find a hiking opportunity. With the addition of Indiana Dunes National Park as our 61st National Park on February 15, 2019, it seemed the perfect opportunity.